Saving for College
529 Lesson Plan: High Scores for 529 Plans
(The first three parts of this article offer general 529 plan advice, with the final section devoted specifically to Louisiana residents.)
Looking for a tax-advantaged college savings vehicle that has no age restrictions and no income phaseout limits - and one you can use to pay for more than just tuition? Consider 529 college savings plans, an increasingly popular way to save for higher-education expenses. Named after the section of the tax code that authorized them, 529 plans (also known as qualified tuition plans) are now offered in almost every state. You may find that 529 plans make saving for college easier than before.
There are two types of 529 plans. Most people have heard about the original form of 529, the state-operated prepaid tuition plan, which allows you to purchase units of future tuition at today's rates, with the plan assuming the responsibility of investing the funds to keep pace with inflation. Many state governments guarantee that the cost of an equal number of units of education in the sponsoring state will be covered, regardless of investment performance or the rate of tuition increase. Of course, each state plan has a different mix of rules and restrictions. Prepaid tuition programs typically will pay future college tuition at any of the sponsoring state's eligible colleges and universities (and some will pay an equal amount to private and out-of-state institutions).
The second type of 529 is the savings plan. It's similar to an investment account, but the funds accumulate tax deferred. Withdrawals from state-sponsored 529 plans are free of federal income tax as long as they are used for qualified college expenses. Many states also exempt withdrawals from state income tax for qualified higher education expenses. Unlike the case with prepaid tuition plans, contributions can be used for all qualified higher-education expenses (tuition, fees, books, equipment and supplies, room and board), and the funds usually can be used at all accredited post-secondary schools in the United States. The risk with these plans is that investments may lose money or may not perform well enough to cover college costs as anticipated.
In most cases, 529 savings plans place investment dollars in a mix of funds based on the age of the beneficiary, with account allocations becoming more conservative as the time for college draws closer. But recently, more states have contracted professional money managers - many well-known investment firms - to actively manage and market their plans, so a growing number of investors can customize their asset allocations. Some states enable account owners to qualify for a deduction on their state tax returns or receive a small match on the money invested. Earnings from 529 plans are not taxed when used to pay for eligible college expenses. And there are even consumer-friendly reward programs that allow people who purchase certain products and services to receive rebate dollars that go into state-sponsored college savings accounts.
Funds contributed to a 529 plan are considered to be gifts to the beneficiary, so anyone - even non-relatives - can contribute up to $14,000 per year in 2017 (the same as in 2016) per beneficiary without incurring gift tax consequences. Contributions can be made in one lump sum or in monthly installments. And assets up to the annual gift tax exemption limit can contributed to a 529 plan are not considered part of the account owner's estate, therefore avoiding estate taxes upon the owner's death.
Major benefits
529 college savings plans generally allow people of any income level to contribute, and there are no age limits for the student. The account owner can maintain control of the account until funds are withdrawn - and, if desired, can even change the beneficiary as long as he or she is within the immediate family of the original beneficiary. A 529 plan is also extremely simple when it comes to tax reporting - the sponsoring state, not you, is responsible for all income tax record keeping. At the end of the year when the withdrawal is made for college, you will receive Form 1099 from the state.
By comparing different 529 plans, you can determine which plan might be best for you.
Benefits for grandparents
529 college savings plans can be a great way for grandparents to contribute substantial amounts to a student's college fund. At the same time, grandparents also control the assets and retain the power to control withdrawals from the account. By accelerating use of the annual gift tax exclusion, a grandparent - as well as anyone, for that matter - can elect to use five years' worth of annual exclusions by making a single contribution of as much as $70,000 per beneficiary in 2017 (or a couple could contribute $140,000 in 2017), as long as no other contributions are made for that beneficiary for five years. If the account owner dies, the 529 plan balance is not considered part of his or her estate for tax purposes. (However, if the donor makes the five-year election and dies during the five-year calendar period, part of the contribution could revert back to the donor's estate.)
As with other investments, there are generally fees and expenses associated with participation in a Section 529 savings plan. In addition, there are no guarantees regarding the performance of the underlying investments in Section 529 plans. The tax implications of a Section 529 savings plan should be discussed with your legal and/or tax advisors because they can vary significantly from state to state. Also note that most states offer their own Section 529 plans, which may provide advantages and benefits exclusively for their residents and taxpayers.
Before investing in a 529 savings plan, please consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully. The official disclosure statements and applicable prospectuses - which contain this and other information about the investment options, underlying investments, and investment company - can be obtained by contacting your financial professional. You should read these materials carefully before investing.
Louisiana Residents
Louisiana’s 529 college savings program, known as START (Student Tuition Assistance and Revenue Trust), is administered by the State of Louisiana and is arguably one of the best 529 plans, if not the best 529 plan available. Louisiana START accounts have a number of funds that offer good, basic investment choices available to the account owner. Even though there are operating expenses within the funds, the state does not charge any fees or commissions for administering the account. The fund’s operating expenses are relatively low when compared to industry averages. Additionally, the state of Louisiana contributes an “earnings enhancement” that varies from 2% to 14% of contributions made to the account. The earnings enhancement is based on the account owner’s adjusted gross income and whether the account owner and/or beneficiary is a resident of the state. Up to $2,400 ($4,800 per couple) is deductible from Louisiana state income tax in most cases.
As with all 529 plans, Louisiana’s START program provides a tax-efficient method to effectively save for secondary education expenses at any college, university or vocational school in the country; the funds ARE NOT LIMITED to Louisiana schools. Once contributions are made to the account, the funds can be invested and grown tax-free as long as withdrawals are used for qualified education expenses, which may include computers, room and board in addition to tuition.
Although Crescent Sterling, Ltd. does not offer tax advice, we would be happy to discuss your options with the Louisiana START program following the fiduciary standard. We also offer a proprietary investment strategy for the list of funds offered to the START program account owners. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Helpful Links:
Charles Schwab offers great resources for understanding the different types of savings options and methods. They also offer some guidance tips on the subject. For info on their resources click the link below or contact us for any questions you may have. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]
The State of Louisiana offers a great college savings plan. As spoken about above, it is a low cost, tax efficient investment account that provides a fantastic way to save for those future college expenses.
For more info on the account click the link below or contact us for any questions you may have.
IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES Crescent Sterling, Ltd. does not provide tax or legal advice. The information presented here is not specific to any individual's personal circumstances. To the extent that this material concerns tax or legal matters, it is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each taxpayer should seek independent advice from a tax or legal professional based on his or her individual circumstances. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable—we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice. Prepared by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright 2017

4415 Shores Dr. • Suite 250 • Metairie, LA • 504-885-1135